Automated Systems for HR (HRM, CRM, ERP)

Our company has rich experience in developing automated systems for HR including both standard HRM-system functions and CRM, ERP-system functions. Here follows the list of tasks solved by these systems:

  1. Encouraging Applicants to Register in Databases of HR-agencies

    Convenient data storage, integration with social networks, creating different styles for resumes, managing information about applicants’ age and skills; following relevant vacancies and their statuses, evaluation of conformity to various criteria; working with geographical map of vacancies.

  2. Automation of Work with Clients

    Creating clients and groups, full statistics on clients, automating vendor’s activities, sales modeling and planning, managing vendor’ goals, accompanying processes, signing up contracts, evaluating risks of losses.

  3. Convenient Work with Vacancies

    Integration with job portals, a tool for creating ads, a convenient mechanism for selecting appropriate applicants, following up statistics on vacancies.

  4. Staffing Automation

    Managing contracts, organizing people to start working, accounting of working hours, managing schedules,quick resolving of problems with staff, salary calculation, and issuing invoices to clients.

  5. Recruiting Opportunities

    Providing clients with an opportunity to select employees, a mechanism for complex vacancies evaluation, using former vacancies patterns.

  6. Integration with External Systems (accounting, documents circulation, communications). Interaction with existing accounting systems, data exchange among systems.

  7. Flexible Mechanisms for Adjusting Project and Notification System


To develop and support your company’s HMR, CRM and ERP systems, we offer you business analytics and consulting services. Our business analyst will assist you in drawing up the requirements specification, will set and describe the list of the project tasks. A team of developers will be built to work on and further support your project.

To secure your project functioning, we can perform daily back-up copying of initial codes and databases, as well as automatic virus filtering.

We are ready to promote your project on the web (SEO, context advertising, SMM, SMO). We are experienced in establishing and managing social network communities, which contribute to your clients’ loyalty.

 MSWord-brief for ERP, CRM development